Sunday, April 3, 2011

new blog

Well I have started a new blog for my new business. R to R Habitats. Yeah !!!
I say furniture for rabbits. But they are beautiful,functional cages. Items you would want in your house. Also outside cages. Basking platforms for your turtles. A number of things.
I will see you there.

R to R Habitats

This is Simon a very sad bunny. No one will play with him. He is 3lbs of fur. The others coming in at 7 lbs treat him like he is a fly. And literally send him flying. So Babbette finally arrived at 6 oz. And at 2 weeks developed head tilt. Very sad but so cute at the same time. Glad to report she is almost back to normal, and has gained 3 oz. She eats every thing. Loves kale !

R to R Habitats

Well the shop is coming along, the walls are 1/2 up, i must say it looks pretty cool. Soon we will start building cages. I is a little unnerving. Spending your little amount of cash on tools and wood. But to get ahead you need to take chances and follow your dreams.
If they don't sell my buns will have the best house on the block.!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


She is coming soon !



Well I came up with a new idea on our shop. Just sent Brian's brain over the edge. I is a great re design. He starts building it Friday. Hopefully production starts. April first. Yeah! Also talking with my future web designer.
So hopefully R to R Habitats will come to life soon outside of my mind.....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

R to R Habitats

Well it is starting to come to life. My own business. FB and Tweet setup. It appears that I have met a nice web page person. So now I am getting nervous. All husband has to do is build. I have to sell! What a wonderful but scary thought. I hope my buns and turtles love what we are about to do, and tell their friends.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Long Time

Good AM all, Well we are off to a new year.Many changes are coming. I took my first vacation in 5 years and I am starting my own business. R to R Habitats.
I have yet to see bun houses that do not look like barns. This is not bad, but what if you want something for your house. Or what about those basking areas for your turtles that are plastic.
Brian has not worked for awhile( no money out there for finishing carpenters).Better for me, now he is mine. I have the ideas he has the know how !!!
Web page is not finished yet. I will let you all know the minute it is done. Also I will be here way more often.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Shipping at Xmas !

If you have ever work in shipping you will understand that blogging stops,your farms die,and your vineyard dries up. What can I say. When that little note pops up on your phone saying it is time to harvest really who cares.
You work 10 hour days. Lunch is in the back (only cold snacks). And a line of customers saying "omg that much".
Well it all ends in 2 days. Then the rush to return unwanted gifts.
Well everyone be safe for xmas and I will chat latter when sanity returns.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

How to bond rabbits and not have a meltdown !

Key word here "DON'T DO IT ". If you have ever dealt with introducing a new rabbit to others already settled into the house you will understand.For 4 months I have been trying to get a new rabbit Pete to live with Charlie and Em. Well I have lost. So last week I went and got Pete a buddy.Aja the cutest little mini lop. She loves to give you love bites.
So here we sit in the kitchen bonding. We are doing very well for the first time. Aja is trying to type. Next she will be rearranging the cage.
So now I have 2 cage setups in the yard. Had to buy a new pen yesterday. And then they asked for toys and more fresh hay. Well that took a day of pay.. Oh well I love them what can I say.
When they finally get happy together life will be calm, (for awhile away).

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

No Energy

I have not been here for awhile. Being tired leads to lack of typing. Why am I so tired? Good question.Very simple answer -- LIFE--. Lets see dad is a constant. Not a big one but just constant. You need to brush your teeth, take a shower. How about open your windows you room smells. (done with more tactfulness) (sometimes).
I know I am lucky he is really so easy to help out. But dad was an MCP when he was young why should he change. He used to tell my mom how to vote.

I know people who have to change diapers, who's relatives have gotten mean.Can not dress themselves. I am so lucky for the time being.

I sometimes sit here and wonder why I ended up with another child. At 54 I should be relaxing. Well almost I still have a 13 yo floating around. By the way we have to bring her into the picture. She is turning out to be a great House work,homework and just nice to be with. We still have our moments, but hey we are mom and daughter.

Now on to rabbits. OMG. First Em got sick. so for a month I have been getting well. When I walked out of the vets with antibiotics and syringes in had, the vet looked so sad. They never thought they would see me again. Well Em and I proved her wrong. Shots every day and hot compresses to one very big abscess.

Thank you for the thing popping when I was holding her (they would of freaked out.
It was not to bad, so much stuff in it, 2 washcloths full.
But she is better and back to being an independent bitch.
I tired bonding them again but to no help from Charlie, the fat white male. All he did was chase Pete. I thought he was going to have a heart attack.But he got Pete under the chin with a good scratch. So the newly designed cage has a divider in the center.
Sunday at home depot I bought some sod. They are in love with it their own grass.
Well time to warm up the car and get kid to school.